lunedì 30 ottobre 2017

Bcaa in polvere +Watt... fanno schifo!!!

Tempo fa scrissi un articolo su questo blog dove spiegavo del perchè i nostri aminoacidi a catena ramificata in polvere non si scioglievano e perchè erano poco gradevoli al palato...

L'articolo era questo:

La cosa purtroppo o per fortuna continua a verificarsi! Purtroppo perchè mi spiace che un qualsiasi cliente possa restare poco soddisfatto dell'acquisto... per fortuna perchè vuol dire che noi continuiamo a mettere la qualità di sempre nei nostri prodotti!!!

Ad avvalorare questa cosa il fatto che negli ultimi giorni Kyowa ci ha riconosciuto l'opportunità di utilizzare il logo Kyowa Quality Premier Partner mettendo sul proprio sito questa pagina:

Copio qui sotto la cosa per chi avesse difficoltà a scaricare il testo:

+Watt® Given Exclusive Use of Kyowa Quality® Premier Partner Status for Dietary Supplements in Italy

October 23, 2017 New York, NY

First time such usage approved in Italy; marks growth in collaboration 

+Watt ProductsThe bond between Kyowa Hakko Bio and +Watt® S.r.l. keeps getting stronger—and that’s great news for dietary supplement consumers.
For the first time in Italy, Kyowa has bestowed exclusive use of its Premier Partner status under its Kyowa Quality® program to Italy-based dietary supplement company +Watt.
+Watt® S.r.l., a Ponte San Nicolo', adopted Kyowa Quality® standards in 2015 for six dietary supplements containing Kyowa ingredients. As a Premium Partner, +Watt® S.r.l. can include the Kyowa Quality® Premier Partner logo on all products containing Kyowa ingredients. Premier status also includes customized marketing support, including media outreach, advertising and inclusion on the Kyowa Quality website.
“Kyowa Hakko and +Watt share a deep commitment to quality, earning +Watt Kyowa Quality® Premier Partner status. Through the years Kyowa and +Watt® S.r.l. have worked together to collaborate on the creation of products that set and guarantee high standards of quality,” said Masaki Maeda – Strategy Manager of Kyowa Hakko Bio Italia.
 “Having an internal production department allows +Watt to see what raw materials are available, and then choose consciously what we will sell to our clients without compromise,” said Stefano Sinelli, +Watt chief executive officer. “Kyowa is a company that’s proved through the years it is run with integrity and safety, and places great emphasis on standards and pricing. It is a fundamental partner for +Watt.”
The Kyowa Quality® program and logo mark Kyowa’s extensive line of ultra-pure amino acids and related compounds that go far beyond mainstream commodities in quality assurance. The Kyowa Quality® logo is a guarantee of ingredients that are backed by the company’s commitment to the highest standards. For more information about Kyowa Quality® or to find products containing Kyowa Quality® ingredients, visit

About +Watt® S.r.l.

+Watt® S.r.l. puts the customer at the heart of his business philosophy: it offers a portfolio of products of over 250 references to meet every need for food integration. The service is essential for customer satisfaction: delivery of the products takes place within 24 hours after receipt of the order, thanks also to a dedicated and direct sales network. In addition, +Watt® S.r.l. provides customized technical assistance and advice on product features and their use. +Watt® S.r.l. is therefore a reference company in the field of food integration, product quality, service efficiency, product catalog completeness and customer attention. For more information, visit

About Kyowa Hakko Europe and Kyowa Hakko Bio Italia

Kyowa Hakko Europe and Kyowa Hakko Bio Italia are the Central-North and South European sales office for Kyowa Hakko Bio Co. Ltd., an international health ingredients manufacturer and world leader in the development, manufacturing and marketing of pharmaceuticals, nutraceuticals and food products. For more information, visit

Grazie a tutti quelli che in questi anni ci hanno dato supporto per riuscire ad arrivare a risultati di questo tipo...

Vi promettiamo che a breve "tenteremo di gestire" il gusto di questa referenza senza ovviamente cambiare una virgola per ciò che concerne la qualità. Questo perchè voi valete e meritate tutto il nostro rispetto!!!

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